Wednesday, February 20

You Know Your Life Is Good When . . .

you look forward to the workweek as a chance to recover from the weekends. My weekends tend to be packed with many activities from going out until 4am to rock climbing to going to museums. I look forward to the workweek when I can actually sleep for 8 hours straight. I's say my life is pretty darn good.

This coming weekend is the second mountain bike race for the Mexico City league. It also happens to be the second race in Mexico's national league too. I rode the course on Sunday and it is REALLY fun. So, for any of my mountain biking friends out there, if you'd like to get in an early season race, book your ticket NOW. Not only is the course fun but also the weather should be in the mid-70's!!!
On another note, on Sunday I decided to give Endo a bath. The hair on his ears is always full of dirt and stuff and I decided that while I was giving him a bath I would trim the hair around his ears. Well, being the terrible pet owner that I am, I accidentally cut his actual ear. He spent an hour in the vet emergency room getting stitches. I felt SO bad. He is fully recovered now and I will pay the groomers $15 from now on to bath him.

1 comment:

Stuart Swineford said...

Nice work. You are just making him look tough. (Though at $15, I'd probably opt for letting the pros handle the job.)

Hope you kick some ass this weekend.
