Saturday, September 15

Running in the Viveros

Three blocks from where I live is a parked called the Viveros, which used to be a private nursery and orchard of the former Mexican president Miguel Angel de Quevedo. It is now open to the public and offers a great ~2km rectangular running path. I have been running here in the mornings. This is a picture of the Viveros during the weekend. It is packed with people running along the 2km gravel path.
You can venture of off the 2km rectangular path and run on "calles" that cross it. The calles tend to be less crowded but with all the rain lately, they tend to have puddles and mud.
I always reward myself after running with a fresh juice from this stand outside the Viveros. For about $0.90 I get a fresh carrot/orange juice. It is very yummy!

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