Sunday, January 11

Wait, this isn't Mexico City

On Thursday I flew from Mexico City to Boston to give a seminar at Harvard.
In typical Boston fashion, it was really cold while I was waiting for the T to to Harvard Square.
After my presentation I met up with my best friend from my days at Colby College, Bradley. I am staying with her and her husband, James, for the weekend in Plymouth, MA. This morning there was lovely fresh snow on the ground . . . and it was raining out. Oh New England.
This is their dog Dudley. He looks a bit like Endo and they have very similar personalities. Endo and Dudley would be pretty darn funny together.

1 comment:

profe said...

He looks just like Endo (who is snoring at my feet as I type)! (What kind of dog is Endo again--one of my neighbor's was asking.)