Wednesday, May 27


Sorry blog readers that I haven't posted in a while. But here is the update.

On May 5th I accepted a position in Washington D.C. working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Specifically, I will be working in the Office of Research and Development's National Center for Environmental Research where I will be working on global climate change and air quality issues. I will be moving to D.C. in mid-August and my job starts in the beginning of September. I am super excited about my new job but I will be extremely sad to leave Mexico City.

I also recently took a quick trip back to Colorado because my dad turned 60 on May 14th and we celebrated with a nice dinner of family and friends at 4580. However you would never know he was 60 based on the pics below.
Yup, he still acts like he is twelve hiding behind trees in the forest
and riding away from me on long bike rides.
While home I also got to meet Hudson John Agnew who was born on May 8th. Congratulation to Annie and Kristian. He's a beautiful baby. For those of you that don't know, Annie has been my best friend since . . . well since she was born and came home from the hospital where I was patiently awaiting her arrival. So, although not technically, Hudson is like my first nephew and I am super excited!!

Now I am just back to normal life in Mexico City. I'll try to update more often.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new job! Let me know how things go in DC.