Sunday, April 26

My Last Day in DC

I decided to unwind from a week of 12 interviews and dressing fancy everyday (suit required) and stroll around DC to see the sites on a beautiful spring day.
I passed by the White House
before heading to see The Washington Monument
and finally The U.S. Capitol.
While I was cruising along The National Mall, I ran into Molly and Paul. My mom and dad happened to be in DC while I was there and I was able to enjoy a few good dinners with them. My parents are living up the retired life by traveling lots and bringing their nifty fold up bikes with them everywhere they go. Its pretty darn cool 'cause if I were retired, I would be doing exactly what they are doing. Hmmmm, maybe I should retire early and join them on their adventures . . .

Monday, April 20

La Casa de Melamed Hace 3 Días

Para mis amigos mexicanos . . .
Una foto de la casa de mis papis hace 3 días!!!

Sunday, April 19

Food Coma!!!

I am back in D.C. for a week of interviews with various government agencies (NOAA, NSF, EPA, DOE, etc.) and my first stop was . . .
Whole Foods on P St. It turns out that although I love Mexican food and enjoy all the fresh veggies and fruits there, Mexico just doesn't have the large variety of international cuisine that the US has, which is exemplified by Whole Foods. So I filled a salad bar carton with all these yummy things I haven't eaten in a really long time. My eyes were definitely bigger than my tummy!

Monday, April 6

The Church Wedding

On Saturday, Wolfgang and Sarai had their church wedding.
The party afterwards featured Mariachis.